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Page history last edited by Nicolette Vander Velde 14 years, 9 months ago


East Elementary School

5th Grade Wiki!!

Ms. Vander Velde and Mr. Moore


Visit us at www.eastdragondentake2.pbworks.com to see our students work for the year 2009-2010





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Comments (8)

gsumlin@... said

at 9:01 pm on Apr 12, 2009

Dear Fifth Grader's,

I have been receiving these emails over the weekend that tells me when you all are logging in to post new information. I am amazed and impressed to see how many of you are working on your posts over the weekend! Your teachers (Ms. V and Mr. Moore ) need to give me a copy of of your what you are reading so I can follow and respond to your thinking. Can you believe that in only 6 short weeks we will be holding 5th grade continuation. You will all soon be moving on to become aspiring middle schoolers. It has certainly been a pleasure watching you progress into such thoughtful, hardworking student's. See you in the morning. Look for some of my responses to your posting's as soon as I get my hands on your reading material. Sincerely, Mr. Sumlin

Nicolette Vander Velde said

at 12:38 pm on Apr 13, 2009

Hi 5th Graders,

I just returned to my office and I had to write you immediately to say how impressed I am with the work you are all doing. Did you know that when we write about our feelings and experiences and communicate with others that we learn more than we would than if we only thought about them? The ability to think about the daily interactions in your life is called reflection. There are studies that show people who reflect often develop skills and knowledge faster. Each time you write on your WIKI you are reflecting.

I am proud of the thoughtful responses you shared today. You are stepping up to the plate and showing how you are ready for middle school by pushing your thinking.

You are very fortunate to have access to so many technological tools that support you with your learning. You are also lucky to have dedicated teachers like Miss V. and Mr. Moore. They care deeply and are devoted to helping you be successful.

Thank you for sharing your learning with me. Have a nice weekend!

Gina Maestas
Instructional Coach/Literacy Specialist
East Elementary-Littleton Public Schools

komputer said

at 9:56 am on Jun 11, 2010

Hi thanks for the article on this pbworks,in my mind i think your article wonderful
thanks from me



garyajones said

at 3:57 pm on Aug 3, 2010

Hi guys, many thanks for East Elementary School 5th Grade Wiki!! project.

Kind regards


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